Usenet Spam

What is Usenet:

Please see :

What is usenet spam:

Posting of substantively identical messages in usenet newsgroups.

What are the Thresholds and Definitions of EMP/ECP:

Please see :

What can be done to reduce some of the EMP/ECP:

1. Learn how to use a killfile on your news reader.
2. Use a news service that accepts cancel messages.
3. Use a news service that uses cleanfeed or spamhippo
4. Actively complain to ISP's for the abuse seen in your groups, don't ignore it.

Who are some of the more notorious usenet spam whores:

1.  Michael Jones
2. Alex Novak
3. Robert Barlow
4. Steve Pusateri
5. Stive Simpsone
( Feel free to send me your nominations)

What is a Blacklist:

A blacklist is a list of ISP's that refuse to take action against spammers after being notified of the abuse.
Our current blacklist can be found here: