Welcome To The

Ca-Mustangs Info Page


The following information is provided as a service, to let people of sound mind make informed decisions based on fact, not fiction.


Within the last few months, several suspicious and neurotic events have taken place within the Administration of the Ca-Mustangs web site/club. Several members have been banned; members were blocked from posting, and now members are being moderated.


Let’s start at the beginning. For a brief history of how the club started click here.


Why did Leslie step down as an Admin click here.


Let the Banning Begin click here.


What happens when you piss off the Puppet Master:  page1 page2


I would ask that you do not take my word alone, take the information that I provide, ask questions. Be careful that you do not find yourself on the outside looking in. Asking questions could have a detrimental effect on your status with the Administration.


I can be contacted by email:
